Ib Rpg Game Mac

Ib Walkthrough Text Only Version. Home Games Text Only Version Select the chapter or view the game index. If you want to leave Oogles a tip for writing this Ib guide you can do so here. IB: Prologue After the short opening scene, the screen will light up and a family will walk into an art galery. Download and install the best free apps for Adventure Games on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android from CNET Download.com, your trusted source for the top software picks. The Crooked Man is a supernatural horror game made by Uri. It is the first installment in The Strange Men Anthology. In The Crooked Man, you play as David Hoover, a troubled single man who just bought a new apartment with the help of his two friends, Paul and Marion. Soon, he realizes that there.

Game Info
Game Title: Ib
Platform:Windows PC
Release Date:June 13, 2012
Genre:Horror, Puzzle
Region:USA (NTSC-U)
Game Format:Portable
Users Score:


The game follows the story of Ib, a little girl who was visiting an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, Ib suddenly realizes she is alone and trapped within a space where the exhibitions started to come back to life. Help Ib escape this horror-filled museum before the gallery traps her there forever.


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If you want to leave Oogles a tip for writing this Ib guide you can do so here.

IB: Prologue

After the short opening scene, the screen will light up and a family will walk into an art galery. There's going to be a short dialogue until you're finally allowed to move around.
Once you're allowed to move around, check on the stack of paper that's right in front of you. The basic controls of the game is written on them.
After examining the pamphlets, leave your parents and head up stairs. Alternatively if you want to look around the first floor you could also do that, although you don't need to do it.
As soon as you get to the second floor, you'll see that there's more displays. Head south and take a right turn at the end of the hallway after you finish looking around.
In the next area you'll find that there's a large portrait taking over the whole wall of the galery. Examine it and you'll notice that something's wrong. The lights will flicker and sound will stop.
Once that happens head back to the stairs that lead downstairs. A few weird things will happen while you're on your way back but don't worry there won't be any enemies yet.
On the first floor you'll notice that your parents are gone and so is everyone in the gallery. The lights will also completely shut off. After going downstairs, you'll need to head back up to the large portrait that you previously examined.
This time you'll notice that there's blue paint dripping from the side of the painting. Examine it and some words will appear on the floor.
After the words appear, examine the same part a second time and Ib will read some words that have now appeared. It tells us to go below so we need to head back to the first floor.
Go back downstairs and head for the hallway on the right side.
You'll notice that the painting on the floor that was previously blocked off has now opened up a path and that there's some blue footprints that lead towards it.
Walk towards the painting and Ib will be sent to the shadow gallery.

The Shadow Gallery

As you descend the stairs you'll notice that there's two paintings. First off head for the right side of the hallway.
Get closer to the table with a rose on top of it and take the red rose when you get a prompt for it.
Stand on the left side of the table and press X to move the table right. Now you have access to the room behind the table.
Inside the room there's an eerie portrait of a woman and also a blue key on the ground. This game favors creepy factor so you have to get used to portraits moving every now and then. Grab the key and back to the hallway.
Head back towards the hallway with two paintings. You'll notice that the stairs you used to get to the area is gone, so head for the right side of the hallway.
Save your game if you want to. I highly recommend developing a habit of saving in this game. Much like the old games it's death = game over. No continues. After saving examine the blue door on the right side of the save point and enter through it.
Inside the next room you'll see two paths that you can take. For now we'll take the path that goes up.
One of the main enemies on Ib are these hands that like to pop-up on narrow paths. To avoid them make sure to only walk on the middle of each path. They won't appear on larger hallways but just walk on the middle for narrow ones.
On the other end of the hallway there's a painting of an ant. Examine it twice and Ib will notice that you can remove it from the wall. Take the painting and head back down to the entrance.
This time take the right side of the hallway and enter the green door at the end of it.
Inside the room you'll notice that there's a large gap that's keeping you from crossing, but since we have the ant painting Ib will place it down and you'll be able to cross to the other side.
After exiting the room with a gap you'll see a key on the ground near a headless mannequin. Be ready to run as soon as you grab the key.
Once you're ready grab the key and a short action sequence will play showing that the mannequin can move and will chase you. Quickly head back to the door after that and cross the ant painting. This time the painting will tear and the mannequin won't be able to cross.
Head back to the upper part of the map (where you got the ant painting) and save your game. Then use the key to open the door.

The Cat Door

First head for the door on the left side and you'll find a room that has a series of walls with the first one being the only one without a curtain.
Walk a little bit past the first wall and some text will appear on it. Go back and examine the text. Afterwards we need to find the figure. Now choosing the wrong wall will result in Ib getting damaged so don't just randomly pick one.
Go towards the 3rd wall from the left on the bottom walls and examine it. You'll be prompted to press a button.
Agree to press the button and the curtains will rise. You'll find the stick figure underneath it and it will tell you that you'll get a prize and you'll hear something drop from somewhere.
Head towards the upper part of the room and you'll find a painting examine it to acquire a fish head. Afterwards head back to the cat room and take the door on the right.
In this room you'll notice that there's a lot of statues. They're creepy but there's nothing you can do here.
Move past the rows of statues and the one in the middle will smile and its eyes will glow red. Don't come near it as it can damage you.
Stand near this dark part of the floor and wait for the bust to come close to it. Once it does, it will trip over and break.
Grab the fish tail that was hidden inside the bust and Ib will automatically connect the 2. Examine the vase on top of the cardboard boxes before you leave the area. These vases are health items in Ib. Dip your flower into one when you get the chance and it will automatically heal you.
Leave the room by taking the upper open path on the upper part near the rose painting. The broken bust will cover your way so you can't take the other path anymore.
Examine the middle part of the wall and Ib will automatically use the fish key and a path will open. Walk down the path to get to the next room.

The Math Puzzle

In the next area there's, once again 2 paths to choose from we'll ignore both for now and instead focuse on the white canvas on the left side. Save your game and examine the painting.
The first time you examine it Ib will say that it's just a white painting. Examine it a second time and she'll find a number on it which is the number 9 written in red. Colors are important here so take note of it too.
Walk up the narrow path and be sure to stick to the middle again. The shadow hands will try to attack you as you walk on it.
Turn right and examine the red doll that's hanging low enough for you to interact with. Once you examine it another doll will on the floor.
Examine the doll that fell and you'll find the second number that we need which is the number 18 written in green.
Turn back and this time enter the yellow door on the left side of the hall and you'll be inside the liar's room.
There are 6 paintings inside this room and among the 6 there are 5 liars. We need to talk to all of them to find out which one is telling the truth.
If you talk to the one in red and the one in yellow, they'll both agree that the one in white is telling the truth. Not a good sign. Since the three of them are agreeing with each other they are most certainly all liars.
If you talk to the one in blue, he'll say that the one in green is the only one telling the truth and again since they're in agreement with each other, they are also liars.
The only one that has been ignored by all the other paintins so far is the man in brown. Talk to him and he'll tell you to stand in front of the statue then go 4 steps to the east and 2 steps up or north.
Enter through the door that's in the middle of the 6 portraits and you'll find a room that has a lot of square tiles and a statue at the middle. Follow the instructions and head east 4x and north 2x.
Press X once you get to the location and Ib will inform you that the tile is loose. Pull the tile up and it will reveal the third number that you need, which is 4 written in blue.
Leave the room and go back to the hallway. Now head past the hanging dolls and examine the yellow door at the end of the hallway. You're going to be asked for a number code. The X x X + X = ? is an equation.

Ib Rpg Game Mac Torrent

So the green number is 18 multiply that by the red number which is 9 which will equal to 162. Now 162 plus the blue number which is 4 is equal to 166.
Punch in the number and the door will open.
Inside the room you'll find some trees and one of them has an apple fruit on it. Examine the tree and take the apple then go back outside.
Go back down the path but make sure that you still stay on the middle of it since you'll be attacked by the shadow hands again. This time walk down the hallway on the right side.
Keep walking until you see this weird looking lips on the wall.
Examine it and a prompt will come up. Give the wooden apple to it and it will let you enter through it.

Shadow Gallery

Inside the next area you'll find some paintings of a guillotine keep walking towards the right side but stop before you get to the blank painting.
Move towards the middle of the last 2 portraits and quickly go back to the left. That should trigger the falling guillotine and allow you to avoid it. If you fail to avoid the guillotine then it's an automatic game over.
Head down the stairs once the guillotine moves. Keep following the path and turn right at the end of the hallway.

Ib Rpg Game Mac Free

Head up afterwards and you'll see a red door. Save your game before you proceed further.
In the next room there are 2 statues. Head for the one on the right side and follow the path towards the back of the room. You'll see a painting of a woman in red clothing.
Examine the picture and head back down the woman's painting will come to life and chase you.
The best way to avoid it is to block its path with the ropes on the statue. Head towards the statue and wait for the lady in red to follow you.
When it's close quickly go left and up the other side of the statue. That should keep it locked between the wooden stand with a note on it and the rope that prevents you from getting close to the statue.
With that done head back up and take the key that fell from the lady in red painting. Then use that key to open the red door in the middle of the room.
In the next room there's a series of book shelves. Examine the bookshelf on the upper left side and Ib will read a story. After the story the door in the middle of the room will unlock.
After the small library room you'll find yourself in another two-way room. Ignore the vase and save point for now and take the path on the right side.
You'll find this guy collapsed on the floor. Examine him and you'll find a key on him. Now head back and save your game this time, then head for the path on the left side.
You'll find a red door as well as some blue rose petals scattered around. Examine the door and Ib will open it using the key you found on the collapsed guy.
Inside the room you'll find the lady in blue munching on a blue rose. Get its attention by getting close to it. Quickly head back outside through the door once it starts chasing you.
Outside the room head stand a bit close to the window.
The lady in blue will smash right through it. Now head back inside the room and grab the rose that the lady in blue was munching on. She won't come back inside so don't worry.
Leave the room after taking the rose and quickly run past the lady in blue. Go back to the other hallway now.
Near the save point examine the vase. You'll notice that a new option has become available. Place the blue rose in and place your own rose in if you took any damage during the previous encounters, then save your game.
Go back to the collapsed man and examine him. Return the blue rose to him and you'll have a new party member named Gary.

The grieving bride puzzle

There's going to be a short dialogue with Gary, then you'll be able to proceed further to the right afterwards.
In the next room you'll find a headless mannequin. If you went to this area prior to saving Gary you'll know that Ib is not capable of moving the statue. If you do have Gary with you though, he'll push the statue out of the way.
In this room we'll have to solve a puzzle. But Ignore these paintings for now and head up the next area.
Immediately take the a left turn as soon as you get through to the next area and enter the first door.
Inside you'll find a maze. Ignore the impulse to explore. Instead take the last path on the right side and head up.
You'll find a canvass with words written on it. Now we have a clue and we're required to check for the south of each paint.
I'm not sure if the location of the switch is randomly generated but if not then the switch you need is to the south of the red paint that's on the upper left side of the maze. The problem is there's a mannequin lurking there.
Try to avoid this small square area while you're trying to get to the switch. It's impossible to escape once all three mannequins have you cornered here.
Instead lure them towards the lower right part of the map. You'll see that they're liable to get stuck behind the wall with the 'Labrynth' sign. Once you get them stuck on that area head for the switch and you'll unlock a door somewhere.
Exit the labrynth and continue further left then up. You'll find that this place is filled with eyes, but don't worry they won't damage you. Proceed further up then right.
You'll see this snake but we'll ignore that for now.
Head down from the statue and then right on the first corner that you find. Then enter the door.
Inside you'll find a series of stools and paintings of a blue bottle. Our goal is to grab the blue bottle that's sitting on top of one of the stools. take the path on the left and push that stool once up and once to the right.
Now head further up and push the stool twice north.
Once the second stool can no longer be pushed look to your right and push the stool to the right. You can now take the eyedrops that's on the stool.
Head back to the hallway with a lot of eyes and examine the eye that's red. Use the eyedrops on it to heal it.
Once healed the eye will move towards a different part of the room and stare at the wall. Examine the wall that it was staring at and you'll find a secret room.
Inside the secret room you'll find a red ball on the ground. Take it then leave the room.
Examine the portrait of a white snake near where the secret room is and you'll be prompted to insert the red ball. Once you do the painting on the right will fall.
Examine the painting and you'll find some words written behind it. After reading that head back down and enter the door on the right side of the room with a labrynth. You can also save your game now.
Inside the room there are 4 sculptures. Ignore the first 3 what you want is the tree. Go behind the tree (You can't see Ib on the photo because she's behind the tree) behind does not mean the eastern side. Stand on the north side of the tree and examine it to find a wedding ring.

Ib Rpg Game Mac Free

Now head back to the area where the painting of a bride and groom is placed and return the ring to the bride. Place it onher ring finger and the couple will smile while the bride tosses her bouquet to the ground. Grab those flowers and head back near the door where you found the eyedrops.
But instead of entering the room head further right then up. You'll see this creepy talking painting and it will demand that you give it flowers. Give the bouquet to it and it will eat them. It will turn into a door and let you pass soon after that.

The Portrait Room

In the first room there's only one door so enter through that to get to the next room.
In this room there are a lot of mannequin heads. They're harmless for the time being so save your game and proceed to the right side and enter the door.
The next are is probably the largest area we've ever seen so far. You have a choice to either go up or down. I would suggest going down and taking that path.
If you happen to ignore me then the lady in red will chase you in this area the whole time. So keep staying on the southern path to avoid that.
This door is locked but keep this door in mind. We'll need to go here later.
Head to the lower right part of the room and you'll see a series of portraits that are hanging on the wall. Examine the only different portrait. Then choose to examine his clothes. The numbers '5629' are written on it but since this is the 'hanged man' portrait that means the numbers are upside down. So the numbers are really '6295.'
Also don't forget to count all of the paintings of women in the room.
Now head up towards the center of the room. Examine the door on the right and it will ask you how many paintings of women are in this room. The answer is 14. The door will unlock after that.
Inside the room there's a vase. Heal your rose if you've taken damage then head back outside and examine the room on the left side.
Enter the password which is 6295 on the door and it will unlock.
Inside you'll see a table with a vase on top of it. This vase won't heal you but you can move it. Move the table to the right and place it on the tile that has 4 black dots. A door will unlock soon after that.
Note that if you make a mistake in this room you can just leave the room and come back inside. The table will reset to it's original location and you can try again.
After Ib confirms that there was a sound, leave the room and head for the upper right area of this place. Enter throught the only door there and there's going to be a mirror inside. Examine the mirror and a mannequin will block your way.
Examine it a second time and Gary will freak out. It doesn't matter which one you choose. Although your choice here will potentially affect the ending that you'll get.
Leave the room and you'll notice that the lady in green is prowling around the area now and there's a key near where it is.
Lure the lady in green over to the other side of the wall and you'll be able to take the key without getting attacked. Now you can enter the door near the save point, but don't pass by the lady in red. This one will come to life as you pass in front of it and damage you.
Take the long way around the room through the northern paths and head down. Save your game then enter the room.
Inside the room there's only one thing you can do and that's to push this lone bookshelf around. Choose to push it to the right so it's blocking the window.
Examine the foor after that and you'll find out that you're locked inside and that there's something lurking around outside.
Walk around the room and wait for the portraits to smash down the wall. Use the hole they made to get outside.
Once you're outside you'll see that all the paintings and some mannequins have come to life. Remember that door that you examined at the beginning? it's now half open and it's also our only way out. Make your way through the horde of paintings and enter through the door.
You're going to have a short cutscene afterwards.

The Shadow Gallery

Grab Gary's coat from the floor after the cutscene. Return it to him then place your rose inside the vase. Save your game afterwards then head out the door.
Head down the stairs and into the next area. In the next area take a left turn and you'll see a display area with 3 mannequins and an entrance.
Enter throught the entry way and it will close up behind you. Make your way to the bookshelf on the opposite end, but be careful of the roaming mannequin.
After reading the book you'll find out that it says nothing about how to get out of here.
Proceed to the paintings on the northern side of the area and examine the middle one. Press the button and a path will open. Head out through the path to escape from the mannequins.
Head further left and then up the hallway. Continue walking until you reach the hallway on the northern area then proceed to the right.
Save your game and proceed further right and enter through the southern door in the next area.
Inside the room there's a mannequin and a cord. Gary will automatically move the mannequin as soon as you get inside the room. After he moves the mannequin, examine the cord on the right side and pull on it.
Head outside the door that the mannequin was blocking and you'll see that the room connects the northern and southern hallways. You'll also notice that there's some text on the right side of the wall now. Examine the wall and Gary will start talking.
After a while of dialogue Gary will ask you the first world of the floor painting that you used to enter the Shadow Gallery. The answer is 'Abyss.'
Head back through the the room that connects the two hallways and out the northern hallway. Examine the door and Gary will say that the password is supposed to go here. After that the door will open.
Feel free to examine the books but our main goal here is the painting in the middle of the room. There's going to be a short cutscene after you examine it.
After the cutscene head back outside the room and proceed to the right side of the hallway. Save your game and follow the red footprints towards the only door on the right side of this area.
You'll meet a third character after you enter through the door. Go along with the dialogue then proceed to the right side of the hallway and up towards the next room afterwards.

Ib Rpg Game Mac Torrent

The next area is just a filler so proceed right then up the stairs into the next area.
In the next area, take the path on the left side of the hallway and enter it. You can ignore the save point for now.
Inside the room there are a lot of cuddly bunnies. Examine the portrait in the middle of the room and there'll be a small dialogue. After that proceed to the bookshelf on the right side and a bunny will drop.
Grab the key from inside the rabbit and head out the door.
Once you pass through the middle section of the room the painting will come to life and cut Gary off from Ib and Mary. After the short dialogue, you'll be left with controlling Ib and Mary while Gary stays behind.
Save your game and head inside the room on the right side.
Inside the room start examining all the open boxes in the area. After you've examined all of them the lights will turn off.
After the lights come back you'll notice that the way back to Gary has been blocked by the statue and the only way out is through the other door. Use it to get to the next area.
In the next area just follow the path through to the upper part of the map and enter the door.
Save your game and step on the blue portal looking thingy on the ground to regain control of Gary.

Team Puzzle

Once you gain control of Gary he's going to do a bit of talking. After he's finished head back into the room with bunnies.
Now that you're inside the room you'll know why Gary was freaking out about the whole bunny room.
Examine the bookshelf on the right side and it will move on its own. A hole behind it will be revealed and you'll be able to get out through here.
In the next room you'll see a series of cords hanging down from the ceiling. Examine the 2nd one from the right and pull it down. A small cutscene will show you that a painting in the room Ib and Mary is in has moved.
Head for the red portal on the lower right corner of the room and examine it to regain control of Ib.
As Ib examine the portrait that moved down and choose to cross it. Ib and Mary will then cross to the next side. Ib Rpg Game Mac
Before you leave the room start pushing a triangle box towards the gap on the floor until it falls over. Once it falls you can leave the area through the door on the left side.
Follow the path and Mary will trigger a dialogue with Ib. You can answer as you wish but it will possibly affect the ending you'll get. Once that's finished head on over the the door at the end of the path.
In the next area head for the door that's immediately to the south.
Ignore the other mannequin heads as they will only damage you. Just take off the mannequin head on the south side of the room. It will fall and crack the floor. Then take the tree key from the table on the lower left side of the room and head outside.
Once outside proceed left and then down. There's another room here.
Examine the room and it will ask you a question. The answer can actually be found if you move to Gary but let's not waste time doing that. The answer is 'Marvelous Night.'
Inside the room there's a lone painting on the right side of the room. Examine it and use the tree key on it. It will unlock a door that will help Gary.
After you use the tree key head back outside, save your game and examine the portal to regain control of Gary.
As Gary you'll see that the block Ib pushed down the gap is now in Gary's area.
Start pushing the pyramid block down and then to the right until it falls on the similar shaped hole on the ground. The door will now be open so save your game and head inside.
Inside the room you'll find this really creepy and overly attached stuffed doll of evil that will keep on following you. You can read the messages beside it for creepiness factor. Make your way through the hallway until you get to the door on the other end.
You'll find that the doll is blocking the door to the next area and once again Gary will lose it. You'll be given a choice to either kick it or move it. The choice you make will once again influence the ending.
Regardless of what you do the door will be locked and a message will appear on the left side of the door. Examine it and the door will unlock. Now you'll be able to proceed to the next area.
First off head into the room on the upper left side of the area. You need to visit this place first.
Examine the text beneath the ornament on the wall and you'll be told that you need to collect 7 balls of paint. After that head outside.
Head outside and go back down the same path you took to get into the paint room. You'll find a yellow ball of paint. Examine it and it will automatically return to the paint room.
Head for the right side of the area and examine the painting of a juggler. It will ask you for the year of its birth. The answer can be found in a book that Ib can read in the room where you used the tree key. The answer is 6223.
After answering correctly it will drop a blue paint ball. Examine the ball to acquire it. After acquiring the ball head inside the room in front of the 'worry' painting.
The room is filled with gas so make sure that you have full health before you go in here. Once you're inside Gary will receive 1 damage per movement. Go right and head towards the umbrella and grab it then quickly make it back to the door. Make sure that you don't make any extra movements as you'll receive damage for it. If you did it correctly you should only take around 6 points of damage.
Heal your rose and save your game. Then head on over to the painting with a hook on the right side of the map. Examine it and you'll be allowed to put the umbrella there. Place the umbrella and it will get raised up. Head on over to the red portal to switch with Ib.
As Ib you need to examine the painting of the fisherman and you'll receive the umbrella. Then head for the door to the south. It's the same room with the mannequin heads earlier. Give the umbrella to the painting of the women in that room and it will start raining. Leave the room and go back to the blue portal to regain control of Gary.
As Gary head back to the room with gas. Ignore the paint ball for now and make your way towards the vase on the opposite side of the door. Heal your rose on the vase and proceed towards the right. Pull on the cord and the gas should clear up.
Once the gas clears up you can grab the paint ball and leave the room. Heal yourself and head for the room with a tree insignia on top of it.
You'll hear some sounds coming from inside the room. You can enter the room once the sound dies down.
Examine the bookshelf beside the ear painting and choose the M page. Afterwards examine the ear painting and then head out.
Head down the hallway and near the red portal. You'll see that Mr. Creepy has moved. Examine the text beside him and he'll inform you that he found something.
Examine him and Gary will point out that its belly is bigger than usual. Check the Mr. Creepy and a ball will come out. Grab the ball and the doll will head inside the room next to it.
Save your game first and then follow it into the room.
Inside the room you'll find an eerie room similar to the one with the bunnies but this time the middle portrait is blank. Grab the white ball to find the last of the paint balls that you need then examine the door that you used to get in here.
You'll find out that you're locked inside the room and some text will appear on the door. You'll need to find the key before that thing comes out of the portrait. Time to search the dolls faster than Flash runs and get out of this creepy room cause I do not wanna know what happens to Gary if we don't.
The orange doll near the middle of the room should have the key. Unless it's randomly generated then you'll have to find it yourself. Tear the stomach of the doll and you'll find the key. After that hurry back out the door and watch Gary freak out.
You'll notice that this door near Gary is open now. Save your game and head inside after the cutscene and head up the stairs and Gary will ask you whether to proceed or not. Afterwards you'll regain control of Ib.
After regaining control of Ib, Mary will leave the party and you're required tot alk to her. She'll go crazy and leave. After she leaves head inside the room on the left side of the area.
You'll see that the black and white room now has color and a rainbow bridge now connects the two sides of the room. Grab the brown key from the table and head out.
Use the brown key on the door beside the fisherman and a cutscene will play. After the cutscene you'll have Gary with you again.
Leave the room and enter back into the room that Ib and Mary was in while you were solving puzzles with Gary. Walk down the path that was previously blocked by gas.
Examine the statue and Gary will be able to push it aside. You now have access to the next area.

The Sketchbook

Follow the only path available until you reach the end. You'll notice that you got yourself into a pretty weird place but that's okay.
Keep going towards the left side of the area until you hit the end of the path. Go up once you hit the end of the path then examine the white house nead the butterflies. It will tell you to that there are instructions in the pink house. So take the road on the right side.
You'll arrive at the pink house soon after that. Examine the blue part of the wall and it will give you a clue about the pink key being in a box. Now go back to the white house on the left side of the pink house.
Inside the house you'll see this blue thing at the left side of the area. Examine it and you'll find out that it's a bucket. Grab the bucket and attempt to leave. A short cutscene will play then you'll be allowed to leave afterwards.
After exiting the white house. Go right towards the pink house and once again take the right road and keep going until you get to the end of the path. Go up after hitting the end and you'll find a pond. Examine it and choose to fill the bucket with some water.
After getting water head down the road until you reach the white house with a red roof. Examine the flower on its right side and water it with the bucket you filled.
Once it blooms, examine the flower again and you'll obtain the gallery key.
Walk to the left until you see the gallery. Use the key to open the door then enter the building.
Examine the box in the middle of the room and open it. Some weird symbols will come out and you'll also get a small mirror. After acquiring the mirror, leave the gallery through the door on the right side.
Go up towards and past the fluttering butterflies and you'll find a sunlight beaming down. Examine it and put the mirror on the ground. The ice on the door will melt and you'll be able to enter the building. Ib rpg game download
Inside the building you'll find some weird pattern and a button puzzle. The symbols and buttons correspond with each corner of the outside map and you'll have to press them in the order that the drawing dictates.
First Press north, then west, northeast, northwest, southeast, south, east and lastly southwest. After getting the order correctly you'll receive a plastic key.
Exit the house and follow the path on the right side. Enter the house with a heart on the door.
Inside you'll find a save point. Save first and then examine the blue box in the middle of the room.
Inside the toy box you'll have a choice to either look for your rose first or look for Gary.
The rose is on the upper left side of the area.
And Gary is on the right side of the area. You can choose which one you wanna do first. Make sure you save after getting both of them back. Now you need to find the key.
The key is near where Ib woke up. Beneath a large pink cat drawing. It's not really that hard to spot but because of the large pink drawing it might get ignored.
After getting the key the whole place will go crazy and all the toys that are scattered around will come to life. Quickly make your way up.
You need to climb up on the stairs that's between the creepy dolls, but be careful cause Ib only has 1 petal left so getting touched by any of the monsters will result in a game over.
Make your way through the path and back upstairs.
Once you get back upstairs, you'll notice that the room has changed. Save your game and examine the rose vines on that's blocking the path.
Garry will ask you how you want to proceed. I'm not sure if it affects the ending but it seems like burning the vines are the only way to get through.
Head upstairs and walk towards the end of the room and Mary will walk in and demand that you leave. Eventually she'll go crazy again. When she says 'leaaaaaaaaaave' prepare to run before you press X.
Keep running towards the other end of the room and immediately examine the painting on the wall. Burn down the painting and a cutscene will play.
Head back downstairs and outside the house. Then proceed further down to the pink house. Heal your rose and save your game, then proceed to enter the pink house.
Proceed down the stairs and turn right at the end of the hallway.
You'll be back to the gallery but not the normal one. So make your way back up the second floor towards the large painting where everything started.
Examine the painting to start the cutscene. There's going to be a few more dialogues after this but since everything that you answer on these dialogues will affect your ending, I'm sure you can handle it.
Depending on what you choose to do you may be able to meet Gary again in the normal gallery. Although his reaction to IB will be different depending on which ending you get and the choices you made during the game. Congrats on finishing Ib!